
Abstract accepted at the EAGE2019

We’re happy to announce that our paper “Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Geostatistical Filtering For Seismic Data” got accepted at the 81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2019 in London. A special thanks to the author Mike Pereira for his work and dedication to produce this abstract.

SPDE in geostatistics allows to drastically reduce the computation time of the estimations and simulations. This approach is above all an added-value when confronted to a huge amount of data, which is more and more the case nowadays. To this day, our team benchmarked the SPDE method for prestack and poststack noise attenuation studies. We’re anticipating its use for building high resolution velocity models.

Cédric Magneron will present this innovative approach on Tuesday, June 4th.

Who’s joining?

#Geostatisticsforgeophysics #EAGEannual2019 #innovation #SPDE